Most patients undergoing cataract surgery would like to see well in the distance and for near without glasses. Lens implants that try and achieve this have been available for over 20 years. However, early models were associated with a significant risk of visual problems such as halo and glare. Over the last few years there have been significant advances in lens technology providing much better results. There has also been increased recognition that better visual quality is achieved by using a lens which focuses for distance and intermediate work rather than distance and near work. With these extended range focus lenses inserted in both eyes the majority of patients do not need glasses for the vast majority of tasks other than reading small print.
The more recently introduced Vivity lens has now replaced the Symfony lens in most cases for patients seeking increased spectacle independence. The Tecnis Symfony is summarised in the diagrams below :
Symfony lens focal diagram
Symfony lens activity chart
Disclaimer : The information provided in this website is intended as a useful aid to general practitioners, optometrists and patients. It is impossible to diagnose and treat patients adequately without a thorough eye examination by a qualified ophthalmologist, optometrist or your general practitioner. Hopefully the information will be of use prior to and following a consultation which it supplements and does not replace.