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Tanner Eyes

Diabetic Eye Disease

Patient Information

Patient Information
Diabetic Retinopathy

The link below contains information produced by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists which cover most of the common questions and treatments relating to diabetic retinopathy.

Understanding Diabetes

Diabetic macular oedema describes the accumulation of fluid in the macular area of the retina as a result from leaky blood vessels within it. It is, unfortunately, a leading cause of visual impairment in the working age population. Visual loss occurs when disruption of the blood retina barrier leads to leakage of fluid into the macular area causing distortion and disruption of its function.

Traditional treatment has been based on laser therapy, which does slow the progression of the disease but rarely results in visual improvement.

More recently it has been discovered that Lucentis anti-growth factor injections can dramatically reduce the levels of swelling within the retina with an associated increase in vision. Lucentis was licensed for the treatment of diabetic macular oedema in 2011 following several trials which clearly demonstrated much better visual outcome than that available with laser treatment alone.

The majority of patients require three to six injections to start treatment with close monitoring of visual function after this to determine when further treatment is required. Most trials have suggested that around two-thirds of patients will gain significant improvement in visual acuity following Lucentis treatment.


Disclaimer : The information provided in this website is intended as a useful aid to general practitioners, optometrists and patients. It is impossible to diagnose and treat patients adequately without a thorough eye examination by a qualified ophthalmologist, optometrist or your general practitioner. Hopefully the information will be of use prior to and following a consultation which it supplements and does not replace.

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